Brightspace 4th August - 12th August 2018
IDIOT PACK NOISE @brightspace St Kilda
Opening: Saturday 4th August 4 -7 pm 2018
Exhibition: 4th - 12th August 2018
Opening: Saturday 4th August 4 -7 pm 2018
Exhibition: 4th - 12th August 2018
… a group exhibition conceived by Ros Winkler at BRIGHTSPACE
A group show in response to the Ted Hughes Poem – Fox Hunt. 50 artists take us to where their minds landed using a range of medium.
A riot of ideas … awful and wonderful. Poet, Ted Hughes wrote the words that exhibition conceiver, Ros Winkler could not forget.
They stuck in her mind like glorious mayhem of a serious kind.
Adam Bennett. Andrew Foster. Anne Algar. Alli Harper. Alex Wilkinson. W.H.Chong. Carlo Golin. Christina Ricci . Deborah Amon-Cotter. Drasko Boljevic. Garth Howells. Greg Elms. Henry Osborne. Jane Leroi. Jacquelyn Stephens. Jason McQuoid. Julie Goodwin. Katrin Koenning. Koni Winkler. Kane Greenhatch. Karena Goldfinch. Clare-Rose & Yongho Moon. Lauren Johnston. Lotte Frances. Leon O’Regan. Liz Bodey. Lisa Walker. Marieke Dench. Maree Woolley. Mark Chapman. Mic Porter. Nathan Miller. Naomi Braun. Peter Milne. Ricky Howell. Ros Winkler. Roz Porter. Rosie Weiss. Ruby Mackenzie. Sophie Cunningham. Steve Baird. Steve Luckic. Susie Hansen. Trevor Smith. Vanessa Howells . Virginia Cummins. Vivian Ashworth. Xavier Irvine.
A group show in response to the Ted Hughes Poem – Fox Hunt. 50 artists take us to where their minds landed using a range of medium.
A riot of ideas … awful and wonderful. Poet, Ted Hughes wrote the words that exhibition conceiver, Ros Winkler could not forget.
They stuck in her mind like glorious mayhem of a serious kind.
Adam Bennett. Andrew Foster. Anne Algar. Alli Harper. Alex Wilkinson. W.H.Chong. Carlo Golin. Christina Ricci . Deborah Amon-Cotter. Drasko Boljevic. Garth Howells. Greg Elms. Henry Osborne. Jane Leroi. Jacquelyn Stephens. Jason McQuoid. Julie Goodwin. Katrin Koenning. Koni Winkler. Kane Greenhatch. Karena Goldfinch. Clare-Rose & Yongho Moon. Lauren Johnston. Lotte Frances. Leon O’Regan. Liz Bodey. Lisa Walker. Marieke Dench. Maree Woolley. Mark Chapman. Mic Porter. Nathan Miller. Naomi Braun. Peter Milne. Ricky Howell. Ros Winkler. Roz Porter. Rosie Weiss. Ruby Mackenzie. Sophie Cunningham. Steve Baird. Steve Luckic. Susie Hansen. Trevor Smith. Vanessa Howells . Virginia Cummins. Vivian Ashworth. Xavier Irvine.